Monday, March 17, 2008

Chesapeake from a Helicopter

Chesapeake from a Helicopter
Lake near our house, where I like to take photos.

These actually aren't my pictures, although I did edit and crop them. T had to do some aerial testing of a product his company is working on and took a helicopter ride last week. He brought along my point and shoot camera, and talked the pilot into buzzing the house so he could take some photos.

Our House From the Air
Our house.

Backyard from the Air
Back of our house.

Chesapeake from the Air
Chesapeake is Generica: strip malls, chain restaurants and McMansions. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

I like the pics - even if you didn't actually take them. The editing is well done. And you don't need to sigh, you have a beautiful wooded area right behind your house. That's cool!

Christine said...

i never spent much time in cheasapeake when i lived out there, but strip malls and mcmansions are invading williamsburg, too.

Running on empty